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What are the differences between the name of an LLC and a trademark?

In the business and legal realms, the distinctions between a Limited Liability Company (LLC) name and a trademark are fundamental yet often misunderstood. Both are crucial for identity, branding, and legal protection but serve different purposes and offer different types of protection under the law.

LLC Names

An LLC name is the official legal name of your business entity registered with the state where the company is formed. This name identifies your company on all formal documents, including incorporation documents, tax filings, and legal contracts. The primary purpose of an LLC name is to provide a unique identifier for your business within the state of registration, ensuring that no other entity within the same state has the same name or one that's too similar.

LLC names are registered and protected at the state level. If your business operates in multiple states, you must ensure your name is available and registered in each state.

An LLC name does not prevent another business from using a similar name in another state or using your name as a trademark for their goods or services, provided there is no likelihood of confusion among consumers.


A trademark is a sign, design, or expression that identifies and distinguishes the source of the goods or services of one entity from those of others. Trademarks can include names, logos, slogans, and other branding elements.

Once registered with the USPTO, a trademark provides exclusive rights to use the mark on the goods or services listed in the registration across the entire United States, regardless of state boundaries. Trademarks protect a company's brand identity, ensuring that no other business can use a name or logo that is "confusingly similar" to yours in a way that could confuse consumers. A company can trademark various elements that constitute its brand identity, not just the company name, including product names, logos, and slogans.

Key differences

The main differences between an LLC name and a trademark lie in their purpose, scope of protection, and the legal implications of their use.

An LLC name provides legal identity and protection within the state of registration. On the other hand, a trademark offers broader protection for the branding associated with goods or services, preventing others from using similar marks.

An LLC name identifies the legal entity of the business, whereas a trademark identifies and protects the brand and its reputation in the marketplace.

Registering an LLC name involves a state-level process, usually through the Secretary of State's office, whereas trademark registration is a federal process handled by the USPTO.

Do I need to trademark my LLC name?

Entrepreneurs should strategically navigate using LLC names and trademarks to build and protect their brands effectively. While the processes and purposes of each may differ, they form a critical foundation for a business's legal and commercial identity.

Understanding the distinction between the name of an LLC and a trademark is essential for business owners looking to safeguard their business identity and brand. While an LLC name establishes your business's legal identity within a state, a trademark offers comprehensive national protection for your brand, preventing others from using similar marks that could confuse your customers. Businesses should consider both aspects to protect their legal and brand identities comprehensively.

To discuss strategies for developing comprehensive brand protection, contact TCP Law by email at or John Laurence by phone at 917-612-1059.

John Laurence TCP Law, Trademark Patent Copyright Lawyer

TCP Law focuses on helping individuals and businesses develop, secure, and enforce their intellectual property rights.

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